Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Speed Bump in the Journey

So I haven't been the best at updating this blog but I'm going to try to get better. Work has been very busy (which is a good thing in this current economy), I also have had a bit of a derailment from my 1001 list. If you scan the list you can see that a number of my things to accomplish involve physical fitness and moving around. Well my friends, in January I had a big set back. While playing on my flag football team I not only was taken out while going for a TD pass (sick play that has fooled every team) but as I dragged my feet perfectly the safety came over the top and took me out (not even going for the ball) he didn't only take me out (and get a pass interference penalty) but he took out my ACL as well. So less than two weeks ago I had reconstructive surgery on my right knee. I'm actually walking around (in a brace) but without crutches and back to coaching. This however, is a major setback as it will take me about 6 months to be able to be 100% fully active. More pictures and progress report to come. If you live in the Northern Virginia area however, and you have any need for an Orthopedic I HIGHLY reccomend Commonwealth Orthopedics. Dr. Madden is the MAN! In fact, I was told that he worked on Joe Theisman's (he's that good)

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