Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bar Project and Finances

So the bar conversion project is taking just a bit more time than I first expected. It has been sanded, painted, new hinges and knobs, mirrors cut (yes I learned how to cut glass/mirrors) and then...So cutting mirrors isn't easy, just in case you want to do a little home remolding that's a little tid bit for you..it's hard and frustrating. But I finally figured out how to do it! The bar was driven to the new apartment and I was putting the mirrors onto the back and guess what? Yup two mirrors fell off, luckily for me they didn't break. So I'm about 90% finished. Pictures will be up by the weekend as I have to re-sand a few areas where the glue from the fallen mirrors came down and still have to finish the two drawers with a fabric.

As you can see I completed #73. With my job I had to wait one (1) year to be able to setup my IRA and since that anniversary has come and gone and I started that up today. I'm also about to complete part of #75 by part I mean pay off my current bill. Keeping off..well we'll get there.

Friday, June 13, 2008

No news isn't always good news

Well, As I said before I had to go and get blood work done to test peanuts as it is a higher rate of accuracy. Well my friends you don't have to worry about me being able to eat nothing but peanuts and beans for a week because I'm allergic to them as well. This is getting a little crazy now and I'm starting to think there is an anomaly somewhere because I eat baked beans and salsa both of which have beans in them. Apparently I can't make a green bean casserole. I'm going to start on allergy shots soon and there is a CHANCE something positive could happen.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm in shock..

""There are no asterisks in this life, only scoreboards... and ours is currently reading FUCKED"" Thank you Ari Gold you have explained my year to date. What I (and others) thought was going to be an exciting day turned out to be yet another disappointment for 2008. That's right my friends I still am allergic to most everything in Mother Nature and that STILL INCLUDES LETTUCE. I have been in a state of shock since leaving the Doctor's office with my red, hive filled arm (photos to come later). I thought for sure after avoiding a number of foods for over 10 years that I would've out grown the allergies but alas nothing has changed. I am still going to have blood work done for peanuts and that also includes legumes (beans). But for now it's still no salad, no orange juice in the morning. This may also affect some of my other goals as I have to work with a dietitian to make sure I get the vitamins and minerals to do the longer runs I want to accomplish.

Day 1 and 2

So it is kind of weird that Day 1 was on a Sunday only because being in the working world Monday is the start of the week and Sunday is usually my real relaxing day. I want to say thanks to my friends who have read the blog and the response has been interesting. Some comments include "bold," "interesting," "ambitious," and "you have balls." It also seems a lot of you want to either help me or take part in some of the goals which is awesome! At a party Saturday night one of the recurring questions was, "so what are you going to do on day 1." The thing about this project is that it is supposed to give me time to accomplish everything and not necessarily jump in head first. But I did begin a new book yesterday which is part of #95. I also have booked my flight to IDAHO! That's right, this one cheats a little bit as I knew I was going to Idaho for work, but either way I'm going. I'll be out there July 17-24 in Sun Valley (pictures will be posted upon my return). I also found out that it looks like I'm going to knock out another state in August and a city but I'm not going to announce that until I book my flight :) I hope to post tonight after I have my allergist appointment! Wish me luck 'cause I'm really excited and nervous about this one...this really is my biggest goal out of everything and it's the one thing that is almost totally out of my control!!