Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bar Project and Finances

So the bar conversion project is taking just a bit more time than I first expected. It has been sanded, painted, new hinges and knobs, mirrors cut (yes I learned how to cut glass/mirrors) and then...So cutting mirrors isn't easy, just in case you want to do a little home remolding that's a little tid bit for you..it's hard and frustrating. But I finally figured out how to do it! The bar was driven to the new apartment and I was putting the mirrors onto the back and guess what? Yup two mirrors fell off, luckily for me they didn't break. So I'm about 90% finished. Pictures will be up by the weekend as I have to re-sand a few areas where the glue from the fallen mirrors came down and still have to finish the two drawers with a fabric.

As you can see I completed #73. With my job I had to wait one (1) year to be able to setup my IRA and since that anniversary has come and gone and I started that up today. I'm also about to complete part of #75 by part I mean pay off my current bill. Keeping off..well we'll get there.

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